I am going to write my mind on these two women.Though i may not be able to tell you but i will tell you a good chunk of what i have in mind and in application to our women daily living.
I don't know if they are married or not,but i knew that these two women has come across and have lived with my saviour.They happened to live in that century that my Lord Jesus was on earth for the work of reconciliation. Christ an ambassador and the only son of God our heavenly father was on earth born into the home every one knows.If you don't know that story please read the first three chapters of the Gospels of Mathew and Luke.
They were poor by virtue of where they live,the village of Bethany,poor ones homes!! The two women lived in Bethany at Jerusalem with their brother Lazarus.They must be Jesus childhood friends.This family are so dear to Jesus that he wept publicly and that for the first time in their calamity period.The mockers Jews were all there,shedding their crocodiles tears!! They were both familiar with Jesus sayings but with difference in their level of intakes.Mary has a very sharp receptive interest in hearing the word of Christ.Mary treasured Jesus words than meeting Jesus needs.I love Mary than Martha having read what the Lord said concerning both of them.
Yes Jesus got to Bethany from Jordan and met throngs of people weeping and mourning the death of Lazarus.No one knew the causative agent of his death,we just knew Lazarus was ill prior to his death ,was buried, and it has been like that for four days.He announced his mission that Lazarus is asleep and that he is there to wake him up.
Jesus knew.I believed those who have read the portion of the bible in John 11 knew that Jesus waited until Lazarus died before he broke the news.He was confirmed dead,but Jesus said "Lazarus slept".Thomas sometimes make me laugh whenever i read what he said.I wondered the kind of heart and thinking-faculty he had.We do call him doubting Thomas, but he is courageous because at that point when Jesus told the apostles that Lazarus was dead,other apostles were afraid to go to Bethany, Mary and Martha's village but Thomas was not afraid he bravely spoke up and said "Let's go with him,so that we may die with him." Please don't laugh it is a serious matter.When Jesus got there do you know who first rush out?Yes it's like i have read your mind,i knew you have read it of course. Martha, isn't she? She was telling Jesus that "Master should you has been here my brother would not had died",but Jesus said "Martha, Haven't i told you that if you believe, you shall see the glory of God" and truly Lazarus come forth at the command of Jesus.God is glorified!! The Jews which saw what Jesus did believed on him.What a great power in the hand of a great saviour!!
Back to what i have on mind about Mary and Martha.The two were sisters were but with different purpose.Mary's purpose when Jesus is around is to sit at his feet and heard all he had to say while Martha was so busy making food and drinks preparation as if it was marriage feast.Christ has seen Mary's heart that it was well prepared to receive his words,remember he also knew Lazarus was dead.He had seen Martha's heart as well that she was not prepared at all.
I got a story for you about what happened whenever Jesus is coming to the village of these two women
Read on
“Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming!” Mary probably shouted as she came running
into the house where Martha was working. Mary and Martha were sisters who lived in
the town of Bethany with their brother Lazarus. They had many friends, but Jesus was a
very special friend.
Martha probably said, “Come help me get things ready.”
Mary and Martha loved each other and shared the work of keeping their home
clean. But now Mary was so happy she could hardly wait. It had been a long time since
she had seen Jesus and heard from him. He had been teaching and preaching in many places. Mary knew she
would sit up late listening to Jesus talk about God.
Finally, Jesus arrived and Mary and Martha went to the door to welcome Him.
Mary was so interested that she stopped her work when Jesus came. She sat close and listened
to Jesus so she wouldn’t miss a single word He said. Jesus told many wonderful
While Mary was listening, Martha was busy bringing food to everyone. Martha
got tired of serving the guests by herself, so she complained to Jesus, “Lord, don’t you
care that my sister has left me so I have to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come
and help me!”
Jesus answered, “Martha, Martha, you worry about too many things. What Mary
is hearing is more important to her than serving or eating. She has chosen the right thing
and it will not be taken away from her.”
Martha was jealous of her sister. She was mad that Mary got to sit and listen
while she cooked and served the food. Jesus was not telling Martha that cooking was
wrong. He was trying to explain that Martha had a wrong attitude and should not
compare her actions to those of her sister. When you love a person, you aren’t jealous of them or compare yourself to them.
I hope you enjoyed the story.
Welcome back.
I want to write on daily application on what happened in this piece of writing i have just posted.
How do you see to your day to day activities,when Jesus is around and when he isn't?
Have you been thinking and worrying and have not learned that it is better and more important to listen to Jesus that to worry over things and life issues!!
Jesus wants us to choose Him over T.V. or things. He wants us to know that He
loves us and asks us to listen and obey Him. God’s Word tells us that we must not compare
ourselves to other people. We must look and listen to what God wants for us and do it.
Do you love Jesus? Does it show? Can people see that you love Jesus? Jesus did
something incredible for us. He died on a cross—in our place—for our wrongs.
That’s how much He loves us. How much do you love Him? Right now you can trust Jesus
and let Him be your best friend. He will help you love others and become better listeners.
Every good bachelor will go for Mary or what do you think?
This blog is specially created,designed and purposely focusing on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, BRETHREN THE LORD COMES- 1 Cor 16:22
The two Angels beckoned unto the Disciples while looking up on the mountain where Jesus ascended before their eyes. "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
Jesus Ascension

He is coming Again.Be prepared.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
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