The today's blogging is just on what you have just read.I read on a friend's Facebook wall, that what we need most in our lives is Good Future.
Good Future begins from nowhere but in todays and the fading past.Good Future for many may have a very weak past but a strong todays and for others everything is good.I am among those with challenging todays.I am looking toward the future with the eagle eye but a moss feet.I have my strength from nowhere but my weakness tangential force is well known.I can count the strong spots of my weaknesses on daily basis.I know i am weak but in the Lord i am strong,Future outside the Lord is bleaky for me i am sure..
I have always hope my future shall be as a youth in America.I have always thirsted for and have never been quenched with materials wanted for myself.I am never satisfied with the materials i needed.I am the most needful man on earth now!!There is nothing i don't need,i need you,need more time,money,need helper, as if God would just do the same he did in the garden of Eden.Oh i am lost on this thinking once again!
However to keep me from drowning the words of the Lord has always be my consolation all of the times when the flood of this world is all over me and drawing me to the rope of no hope as if all is going to stretch life out of me,to flush me away,the time of serious challenge just like the time i am in,i still have my hope that,he said behold i am with you even until the end of the ages.
My Future has been delivered into the Lord's care,what of you don't let the devil take away your Good Future,the ladder to your peak in life.
Lord have your way now, from my today into my Future while i live well now.
This blog is specially created,designed and purposely focusing on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, BRETHREN THE LORD COMES- 1 Cor 16:22
The two Angels beckoned unto the Disciples while looking up on the mountain where Jesus ascended before their eyes. "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
Jesus Ascension

He is coming Again.Be prepared.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
I don't know if others too have experienced,once or more in their lifetimes what i am writing about today.
I am writing on what happen when we wake up from sleep.We as human beings have had common issues together,many have experienced similar situations with their enemies,neighbours and friends.It is not new these days to see someone who will categorically revealed to you that, what you are passing through is not a strange thing at all,or a new issue.You will be surprised at their indifference to your plights and in a matter of time you soon realized that previous emotions built up in you by virtue of the tensions already created by whatever it is that trouble you soon got reduced or diminished.
What happened in the mid-night today has happened to me before,though not frequently, it do happen but in varied degrees,it is not only in song too.
I woke up with a song playing right into my ears.It was a favorite song i love listening to, composed and sang by Evangelist Ojo Ade "Wundia"
Wundia means virgin and the song revolved round the parables of the five wise and foolish virgins as told us by the Lord Jesus.
The song goes thus;
"Wundia.... fororo satupa reeeeee
Se giri Oko yawo de ooooooo
O n bo,O n bo,O n bo ooooo
Bi ole loru Jesu... n bo..."
I was thrilled while the song keep coming for miutes,i prayed and throughout my preparation for work i was thinking over it.I thought of it too at work.I was thrilled but sad because of this evil world.Should Jesus come unexpectedly where am i going to be,how is he going to meet me,in sin or in holiness.What shall be my excuse,did i even have any reason for excuse?
Though i am a man i am sure the point of this song is on preparation and watching for the return of the Lord.Am i preparing for the coming of the Lord and how is the enemy viewing my life,am i his boy or a threat to his kingdom?
As you read this blog are you prepared for the second coming of the Lord too,are you sure?
When you wake up from sleep what songs do you hear? Is it Don moen songs or Celine Dion?It is mandatory for you to decide where you want to be in life after death.The bible says, it has been appointed for a man to die only once and after this, judgment.I pray that we shall not miss rapture in Jesus name. Please check your life if you are in Christ or not.
I am writing on what happen when we wake up from sleep.We as human beings have had common issues together,many have experienced similar situations with their enemies,neighbours and friends.It is not new these days to see someone who will categorically revealed to you that, what you are passing through is not a strange thing at all,or a new issue.You will be surprised at their indifference to your plights and in a matter of time you soon realized that previous emotions built up in you by virtue of the tensions already created by whatever it is that trouble you soon got reduced or diminished.
What happened in the mid-night today has happened to me before,though not frequently, it do happen but in varied degrees,it is not only in song too.
I woke up with a song playing right into my ears.It was a favorite song i love listening to, composed and sang by Evangelist Ojo Ade "Wundia"
Wundia means virgin and the song revolved round the parables of the five wise and foolish virgins as told us by the Lord Jesus.
The song goes thus;
"Wundia.... fororo satupa reeeeee
Se giri Oko yawo de ooooooo
O n bo,O n bo,O n bo ooooo
Bi ole loru Jesu... n bo..."
I was thrilled while the song keep coming for miutes,i prayed and throughout my preparation for work i was thinking over it.I thought of it too at work.I was thrilled but sad because of this evil world.Should Jesus come unexpectedly where am i going to be,how is he going to meet me,in sin or in holiness.What shall be my excuse,did i even have any reason for excuse?
Though i am a man i am sure the point of this song is on preparation and watching for the return of the Lord.Am i preparing for the coming of the Lord and how is the enemy viewing my life,am i his boy or a threat to his kingdom?
As you read this blog are you prepared for the second coming of the Lord too,are you sure?
When you wake up from sleep what songs do you hear? Is it Don moen songs or Celine Dion?It is mandatory for you to decide where you want to be in life after death.The bible says, it has been appointed for a man to die only once and after this, judgment.I pray that we shall not miss rapture in Jesus name. Please check your life if you are in Christ or not.
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Loopholes
The toughest warfare is the warfare in which warriors in both sides of the war recognize the danger of a loophole.
Life is a battle as they say, but life's battle is a two dimensional sided warfare.
There are Spiritual warfare and Physical warfare(warfare on the go)
Life we live, is too short for us to understand that we are born into warfare and to fight in the warfare and to die in the warfare.We all have dreams, even fools have their aims in life.What has kept many from realizing their dreams has to do with timed evidences which are to be reveal in loopholes.
The most susceptible part of our life to the arrows of the enemy is the Future.The enemy has nothing to do with your past and today much as he wanted to do with your Future and that is why,the best target of the enemy is to wreck tomorrow's stronghold.
We have lost many spiritual battles to the devils because of loopholes.
Loopholes are those activities we carry out when alone,what we mastermind and carried out through the help of the devils.
It is easy to commit sins in the secret than in the light,that is a loophole.Loopholes are not necessary the sins themselves but the means of carrying out the sins.That you commit those sins when your parents are not there,the fact that your parent was not around whenever you committed those sins is a loophole.That you prophesy because everyone believe God's power touched you that day when it is not so, is another loophole.You create a loophole when you hate to accept facts, when you are wrong.The loophole in king Saul's life did not start from disobedience it began from his listening to the voice of the people rather than the voice of God.
There are sins all over the world,sins are not loopholes,loopholes are hidden ladders in one's life to make you commit sin.Some people may have loosed tongue as loophole, or some may be talkative.Some,loopholes, in which enemies access their lives, may be through their talents.Many have fell into devils traps by virtue of the loopholes in their lives.
This New Year,the Lord is asking for a New Resolution.That thing,or those things that makes you to sin or push you into sin needs to be surrender to God.You will keep sinning if you don't let God destroy those loopholes out of your life.
I pray that the good God will save us from every loopholes that has been blocking us from having our breakthroughs,and thanksgivings.
Catch you next time but not in loopholes anymore in Jesus name.
Life is a battle as they say, but life's battle is a two dimensional sided warfare.
There are Spiritual warfare and Physical warfare(warfare on the go)
Life we live, is too short for us to understand that we are born into warfare and to fight in the warfare and to die in the warfare.We all have dreams, even fools have their aims in life.What has kept many from realizing their dreams has to do with timed evidences which are to be reveal in loopholes.
The most susceptible part of our life to the arrows of the enemy is the Future.The enemy has nothing to do with your past and today much as he wanted to do with your Future and that is why,the best target of the enemy is to wreck tomorrow's stronghold.
We have lost many spiritual battles to the devils because of loopholes.
Loopholes are those activities we carry out when alone,what we mastermind and carried out through the help of the devils.
It is easy to commit sins in the secret than in the light,that is a loophole.Loopholes are not necessary the sins themselves but the means of carrying out the sins.That you commit those sins when your parents are not there,the fact that your parent was not around whenever you committed those sins is a loophole.That you prophesy because everyone believe God's power touched you that day when it is not so, is another loophole.You create a loophole when you hate to accept facts, when you are wrong.The loophole in king Saul's life did not start from disobedience it began from his listening to the voice of the people rather than the voice of God.
There are sins all over the world,sins are not loopholes,loopholes are hidden ladders in one's life to make you commit sin.Some people may have loosed tongue as loophole, or some may be talkative.Some,loopholes, in which enemies access their lives, may be through their talents.Many have fell into devils traps by virtue of the loopholes in their lives.
This New Year,the Lord is asking for a New Resolution.That thing,or those things that makes you to sin or push you into sin needs to be surrender to God.You will keep sinning if you don't let God destroy those loopholes out of your life.
I pray that the good God will save us from every loopholes that has been blocking us from having our breakthroughs,and thanksgivings.
Catch you next time but not in loopholes anymore in Jesus name.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The New Year Has Come
I have imagined something so peculiar with this year and next year which has to do with dating.The last time many of us will see a date like the ones i am writing about is 12-12 -12.Yes,this year we are going to 11-11-11 and after both of these it is going to be another story entirely.I hope you get what i am writing here.
You are welcome into year 2011 and i just want to inform you that God is with us,don't panic.God's grace,mercy and protection shall not diminish and his faithfulness is sure on us if we keep to him only.
Let God be for you this year, He has walked through this year before you,knows all that shall happen in your best interest and is ever ready to lead you into places of shelter from danger.God is faithful even in the midst of trials and i am sure He shall always be there if you will trust in Him.
According to Frank Laubach, he said,"God is speaking all the time,all the time".This year, endeavour to listen to God's voice.You need it,if you desire true friendship with God.
If you want to grow in this area, there are things you must do,you must;
1.Develop quiet time habit,strive to make it a regular habit.
Do you know why i said this?God usually visited Adam and Eve in the cool of the day,in the beginning of the world.For beginners, you need to start a regular quiet habit.When you begin from this,you will be able to differentiate the voice of God from your own voice and that of the devil.I pray the Lord see you through,it is easy.
2.Read your Bible daily, even at work.
When you do this,you shall have peace of mind and clear picture on what God is trying to pass across to you.
3.You need to see God as being very near to you.
Develop the habit of thinking about God always even when you are eating,imagine God seeing you in whatever you are doing.Desire His friendship.
4.Strive to be right in your thinking.
God speak to the right minds.I have never read in the Bible where God speak to wicked or bad people on the wrong line,it is very wrong.God never speak to the wicked.He only sent his Prophets to them.Job's friends whom God spoke to were trying to be sincere with their friends and were trying to defend God. King Abimelech and the king of Egypt whom God appeared to in their dreams did all innocently.I hope you get what i am writing here.Remember this,God shunned king Saul and this forced him to seek the help of the mediums.
5.Keep tracks of records.Confirm God on some privacy he confided with you.
I mean when God show you anything or tell you anything always keep tracking records of them,it is a source of confidence against the powers of darkness when He did what He said.
Finally but not the last,keep praising God.Some Prophets during emergencies in the Bible have asked for singers to be brought in unto them and during the ministrations of those singers,the word of God came to them.
The Lord has given me a book to write this year 2011 and i am on this project now.
The good God shall visit your homes for divine surprises that shall made your going out and coming in this year divine laughter issues.
You are blessed.Shalom to you all.
You are welcome into year 2011 and i just want to inform you that God is with us,don't panic.God's grace,mercy and protection shall not diminish and his faithfulness is sure on us if we keep to him only.
Let God be for you this year, He has walked through this year before you,knows all that shall happen in your best interest and is ever ready to lead you into places of shelter from danger.God is faithful even in the midst of trials and i am sure He shall always be there if you will trust in Him.
According to Frank Laubach, he said,"God is speaking all the time,all the time".This year, endeavour to listen to God's voice.You need it,if you desire true friendship with God.
If you want to grow in this area, there are things you must do,you must;
1.Develop quiet time habit,strive to make it a regular habit.
Do you know why i said this?God usually visited Adam and Eve in the cool of the day,in the beginning of the world.For beginners, you need to start a regular quiet habit.When you begin from this,you will be able to differentiate the voice of God from your own voice and that of the devil.I pray the Lord see you through,it is easy.
2.Read your Bible daily, even at work.
When you do this,you shall have peace of mind and clear picture on what God is trying to pass across to you.
3.You need to see God as being very near to you.
Develop the habit of thinking about God always even when you are eating,imagine God seeing you in whatever you are doing.Desire His friendship.
4.Strive to be right in your thinking.
God speak to the right minds.I have never read in the Bible where God speak to wicked or bad people on the wrong line,it is very wrong.God never speak to the wicked.He only sent his Prophets to them.Job's friends whom God spoke to were trying to be sincere with their friends and were trying to defend God. King Abimelech and the king of Egypt whom God appeared to in their dreams did all innocently.I hope you get what i am writing here.Remember this,God shunned king Saul and this forced him to seek the help of the mediums.
5.Keep tracks of records.Confirm God on some privacy he confided with you.
I mean when God show you anything or tell you anything always keep tracking records of them,it is a source of confidence against the powers of darkness when He did what He said.
Finally but not the last,keep praising God.Some Prophets during emergencies in the Bible have asked for singers to be brought in unto them and during the ministrations of those singers,the word of God came to them.
The Lord has given me a book to write this year 2011 and i am on this project now.
The good God shall visit your homes for divine surprises that shall made your going out and coming in this year divine laughter issues.
You are blessed.Shalom to you all.
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