The two Angels beckoned unto the Disciples while looking up on the mountain where Jesus ascended before their eyes. "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.

Jesus Ascension

Jesus Ascension
He is coming Again.Be prepared.

Friday, December 17, 2010

From God's laboratory of History

I am just coming back from the laboratory of God.I went to the department of Heaven on Earth's History,was directed to have my eyes and ears tuned to read and hear in the Heaven's language!!!It's no far lie though.It is not easy at first but after more persistent and the unrelenting efforts of the affected department,(yes, i used affected,because i was considered a virus)
Can you just imagine what happened when i was about to checked in,into the department.Alarms began to blast whom.... whoam....whoee!!!honestly i was first panic and i began to think fast and wide that how can i be a stranger in the department in God ,my father is the eternal,incumbent chairman of this place now,or am i in the wrong place!!!
At first,i was sick at heart but Jesus came to my rescue.My appointment was confirmed,my bookings and reserves with other entitlements was later brought to me.Hmmmm.. yum,yum yum....!!!!Whao before me are big,big supercomputers,and a quick glance into one of them made me skip as if i was a deer.
I was assisted to find my way to one of Nigerian past records in one of the files,hey, i almost commit suicide in Heaven!!Suicide in Heaven,please someone help me can i die again in Heaven,huh, maybe i was in Earth of heavens,not the opposite.Oh.... please am i still in Lagos praying.Oh!!! maybe i have seen another vision!!maybe dreams-visions!!!
However ,i am too damned to say all i found out in the files,too shocked to revealed them,too tired to keep typing.I am just so sorry that i have retreated back to PRAYERS!!!
The little i can say from the laboratory secrets was that,Nigeria need to roll out Forgiveness of the past failures as it was seen from there that bitterness has tied us down to Mount Everest and only Forgiveness can loose us out of Everest grips,cause we are damned!!!!
Ohhhh, the new year is around.Forgiveness is a vital key to the new year around the world too.Please forgive all,forgive those who don't even offend you!!!!

Happy wonderful season and a wonderful wishes for all both friends and enemies as we go into the new year.~~Happy new year~~

The Lord shall increase your greatness and comfort you on every sides as you enter into the New Year of your blessings.~~Happy Neeeeew..ww.... Yeeaaa....rrrrrrrr~~


Friday, December 10, 2010

From this Link

I have been reading this postings of Oswald Chambers from the link below.I am grateful to God for having a wonderful site like this,a Christian woman gave me this link ,getting up to a year now.I don't want to read them alone ,please share with me.It is a loaded site full of God's grace and mercy.Won't you tap into it?.I am not going to write much i just want you to click right away below to the link and see what God requires from us on  our daily living.Click here:
God bless you as you go to the link.Amen

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Marital Security,do you desire for it?

Marital Security is that effort you employ in order to facilitate successful exploration of your marital life.It is the effort you put in, to make a home and to get the home moving.
It must be spiritually synthesized,intellectually appreciated and with your hospitality inputs you are on your way as a youth to achieve a successful marital life.
What you need  to secure Marital Security
1.Vibrant relationship with God
I have  found out that without the four factors above the people whom i studied would not have achieved much in their marital lives,perhaps they would have divorced by now as the  glamorous Godless people in our society do daily.There are many divorce cases and news flying all about these days,many of us blame it on fame,wealth and glamour.How wrong we are!We, the onlookers in the society, to keep covering up the divorced glamorous people based on their exposures.We mourn their collapsed marriages but watched their immoral videos and listen to their sexually appealing  albums and records.Take musicians for example!Don't we know that,by listening to their songs we are signing the agreement that our own marriages too may hit the rock as theirs have shipwrecked!God forbid we may say, but that's the truth, once you don't see anything wrong in their inability to keep their marriages don't be surprised if you see your marriage in their shoes in  the future.The same goes with celebrated actors and actresses,we watched on Hollywood these days we have them all over the world,many of them have married thrice and we keep honouring them with awards.This is an example of Marital insecurity we are celebrating in our society today, liable of affecting the coming  marriages in the future.Don't bite your tongue my friend,if you see your marriage collapsing in the future,the Bible says what you sow you shall reap,if i were you,i think you should ask such musicians to please fix up their marital loveless lives on the pillar of love before you can listen to their songs!!!
Spiritually synthesized effort account for vibrant relationship between you and God.To secure good marital security and a good guarantee from God as a youth,you must take time to handle every area of your marital life with prayer.The following areas need your attention;your choice,your spouse,your  future,home,children,relationship with your spouse and your common goals.You need to be born again too,that's even the first priority, that is,if you want marital security to be effectively secured for you, because it is part of God's benefit for you,you have to give you life to Jesus.He guaranteed it.I am sure you know divorce is no good thing so draw closer to God and he will draw closer to you.
The second part of our efforts has to do with our intellectual input and this has to do with our maturity.How mature are we physically,emotionally,psychologically and materially.A baby man is never ready for Marriage.Don't blame God if you find yourself lacking in one of these.It is better you keep training to see yourself mature than to rush in and rush out of marriage because the Bible frowns at re-marriage.God can fill any gap if only you keep praying.There is nothing God cannot do.Don't be in a hurry because those who are in a hurry generally make serious mistakes.
The third way to  claim access to marital security is to be hospitable.If you are not hospitable,caring and friendly,you are not ready for marriage!A man or woman who is unfriendly,quarrelsome and selfish cannot make a good husband or wife.Those who have no time for for other people are not prepared for marriage.
Our fears as youth these days is base on the future's uncertainty.We don't know what tomorrow may bring hence what's next for us to do,if not to draw close to God and how can we do that if we are yet to surrender our lives to God.You can have a marriage but a marriage without God is  already deprived of its happiness.If you are divinely inclined to God it will be in your interest ,to start presenting your marriage before God now.You need to allocate time to pray on it,you could reserve a day for it,by doing so,i believe you shall have good testimonies to share.
Finally strive to get to a spiritual level where you will be able to know,at least, if God is saying Yes or No.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Youth's Love;God,Marriage, Family ,Church and the World:How is it to be straightened out?

There is no Love in the world again, except her traces  are only found in the Church.
I do think on what Jesus said about Faith and what Paul wrote on Hope, Faith and Love.Jesus said, will he meet Faith again when he comes back? Also in Mathew 24 Jesus said the for this reason... the  Love of many shall wax cold...Paul said of the three Love is the greatest.
Jesus knew that Hope shall be the first thing that shall give way in many people's lives, when they are besieged by temptations and confronted with trials.Many in the world are already in the state of  hopelessness,this state of being and  living without Hope is at an alarming rate these days.Family has given up on Marriage issues and Marriage issues has given up on Love.Many too are dead in their Faith's application on marital life issues,they cannot exercise their faith on issues having to do with Marriage.I am not saying those who exercise their Faith don't commit sins,they do fall sometimes but Jesus' help is sure to keep them from derailing.
At the top of the golden three which Paul mentioned is Love, today's subject which, if one is to search for it in the world i am sure it will take ages to find one.Love is no more a world affair it is now a Church  symbol.That's why i said it is only in the Church one can find Love and God.The more the world's sins the farther the presence of God it is only grace that showers not God's presence.
However,these days i am doubting if at all there is Love anymore in the Church too,because there is no longer any disparity between Church and the world.In fact there are mixed facts on Love these days!However the Bible let us to know that "God is Love"."We shall perform better on Love issues if we let this ring in our brains some million times, that, 'God is Love'."
Take this too "Love knows no enemy,Love only makes friends, Love is a natural flow and has never flow without mercy and grace but only through God, the only LOVE, can this be realized in humanity."
How true is that  in our relationships with others and even in  marriage?In this world  do we see Love that way wherever we go and people we meet?
I have written about Marriage Safety and by God's grace my next blogging will be on Marriage Security.Love in the family will ensure Safety and Security of Marriage contacted in a godly manner.Love will surely chase out pride,arrogance and re-instate humility if it was there at first.
The major and whole Love of mankind should  ever go to God.Will you love that person if God had killed you or has maimed that person before the two of you grew up to know one another.So give Him your first Love
I think the next in the life of a youth is the Family.A good youth must show Love to his or her Family and i am talking of core Family members here.You can't do without them.If they have raised you up to become a damsel wonderful lady or a supersonic Solomon man, you owe  your allegiance to them,i mean your parent.You must honour your parent before that woman or man whom you love,because without them giving birth to you,you can never know him or her.Then Love for Marriage comes in and gradually takes the position of Family's Love.
Lastly a good youth must never let his or her mind struggle between the Church and the world.Give your Love to the Church before the world.Let the Love of God be  strong in you,Love based on God cover up much  sins.
Give it the priority like the one i have here:
1.God and Christ's Church
2.Family and Marriage
3.World (because of Job not Money)

Therefore among the fives,Let God has the first say,by making Him the driving force of your Loving lives.Let Him to capture your hearts and minds and see how wonderful you flow in terms of mercy, and grace.and wisdom.If you give the world your first Love,i am not saying you are a fool,no, you may look wise but you are a Fool.The wisdom you think you have got through the world will one day perish and you will be left with none at all.I pray that shall not be our portion in Jesus  mighty name.Amen

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Marriage Safety,do you look out for one?

My greatest fear which i believe the heavens too were very much interested in, is to get married to an unbeliever or a fake christian.I am very much concerned on whom to marry in this life and i believe there is no one who would want their marriage to be the causative agent that devil will use to drive them to hell.
I am not dissuading  anyone here through my writings from marrying my dear readers but wanting you to know that you need to be very careful on your marital life, only believers who are married to an unbelieving spouse can tell the pain behind what i am writing on today.Today's writing is on Marriage Safety.Have you guaranteed yourselves a place to run to in time of Marriage Hazards? In every modern buildings, there must be Muster Points and in the Residential buildings where i work,there are Muster Points located in some of the buildings  and they are there to take care of emergency situations.These Points addressed the need for  strict HSSE compliance.*HSSE means Health,Safety,Security and  the Environment.
In case of fire incident,accidents and other serious incidents that could happen to the building or in it,this separated spots serve as a place where people can stay and feel safe for a short time before their eventual evacuation  from the premises, in the same way,every Marriage is a building.The Bible said the wise woman build her own home but the foolish ones tear down theirs with their own hands.The wise woman while building her own home i believe must be fully aware of the need for  strategic positioning of her Marriage's Muster Points.

Good Marriages these days are full of satanic baits capable of denting the good intentions  God  has in mind while establishing this honorable institution.The world is fast degrading in her moral standards,no muster points in many marriages today again,i am sure the devil is happy that he is causing grievous pains  because of this.
The Bible said commit your ways unto the Lord and He shall establish your path,that is the first Muster point.How can you commit your Marriage to God's hand without prayer?Commit by Praying always for your Marriage even from now

Evil communications (in other word, associations) corrupt good manners, says the Bible,but many of us can't leave the world and its cares for Christ.I remember Lot's wife she is a typical example of a woman who has freely and loosely mingled with the world that even in the midst of her fleeing for safety she looked back and became a pillar of salt against instruction that could have save her life.She don't take the issue of safety very important and she perished because she lacked safety plans.She jettisoned her safety for the much caresses of the world's cares,that's why she found it difficult to follow the Angels 's instructions.What a pity?Avoid world's contamination,go out with good friends.
David caused much problems for his own home and generations because of his loose thighs.He was severely penalized by God,God placed cursed upon his life,terrible ones.He put his generations in serious problems just as Lot's wife made her daughters slept with her husband.Shun Immorality is  another muster points.
Raise Godly Children.It is not easy to raise a godly child these days not to talk of four or five children.That's why i always love reading the story of Jeremiah and the sons of Jonadab, the Rechabites.I admired him.Though i have not married, i do experiment the position of a godly father both at home and at the church.
Have a good relationship with God.You can't have a meaningful marital life as a Christian without good standings with your God.Start this now if you know you have not.
See you next time in Jesus name.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eternity effects of Marriage

I want to write on the effects of choices  and its eternal consequences..
Eternity effects of Marriage will be the marriage's negative contributory factors, damning the favour of God on judgment day.I see Marriage as one vehicle capable of driving one to Heaven or Hell.
Eternity effects in marriage begin from relationships and this occur when your heart and mind have been connected to a particular person and you want it  for a lifetime.I think to further buttress my point here,let me say this:
"Eternity effects of marriage has to do with marital life  and  the shortest route to miss Heaven is the marital life" In other words,good marriage can influence you to make heaven but bad marriage drives to hell.You have to know that you cannot change someone after you have married them,so prayerfully make your choice.When you fall-in-love with a drunkard  or a chain smoker whom you met in a night party and you are unable to change him or her before tying the knots, it will prove very difficult to change such a person and such changes  only come by divine intervention.Someone you get married to,can make you become  a citizen of the kingdom of heaven and at the same time the other person in your marriage can block you from getting there.I pray that will not be your portion in Jesus name.Amen
There are many people who are not to have anything together for Eternal purpose sakes.I have attended some seminars on marital issues and what i have drawn from most of the teachings were that,the foundation in marriage must not be laid with evil secrets.Marriage built upon secrecy are bound to get polluted,a mock or reproach in this world,such marriage will come to their tragic ends in Hell.
Hence, i have compiled some facts which i am going to share with you here.The facts revolved round those who must not have nothing together if the world is not going to become polluted.Mind you the world is already polluted because these ones have been allowed by the present day society to come together.
Please read them carefully and see if you or your intending spouses has one or few of them.You can still correct things before you become one,after marriage,it will be very difficult because it will required divine visitation and mind you such visitation don't come easily.If you want to do yourself good in the future, prevent future errors now, instead of looking for the cure in the future.
1.A Church must not marry  a shrine.
2.A debtor must not marry a creditor.
3.A sinner must not marry an holy person.
4.A liar should not marry an honest person.
5.A police must not marry a thief.
6.A girl must  not marry a man.
7.A boy must not marry a woman.
8.The wise must not marry the fool.
9.The hardworking must not marry the lazy.
10.A builder must not marry the destroyer
11.The Godly must not marry the godless.
12.The Angels must not fall in love with the demons
13.A pastor must not marry a witch.
14.An optimistic must not marry a pessimistic
15.A farmer must not marry a devourer.

In other words, to further give you more insight on what i am saying:
1.A fowl must not fall in love with  the knife
2.A day must not fall in love with the night.
3.The land must not fall in love with the sky.
4.A lion must not fall in love with its prey

When these categories of people and things come together  things become unusual, and surely they shall  breed  dark secrets liable of wrecking the world.There shall be no peace in such union,in as much the disparity remain.
When a believer got himself or herself engaged with someone below his or her standard there is going to be serious problem.Many promising believers have fell  off the Eternal way through this satanic means.It is the devil's strategy to reap those who could have been very useful in the vineyard of God into his own barn.So as a lion must not fall in love with its prey if such lion is not going to die of hunger so must a Christian has nothing to do with an unbeliever or weak christians on marriage issues.
Don't marry a christian whom you think is below God's standard for your life.If you are thinking of  been helped by a rich spouse think of the Eternity too.You are not to marry a man because he is rich but weak in God's rule and standard.Think of the effects today and make a positve steps toward getting nearer to your God.There are many implications in marriage that must not be carpeted before you go into it as a christian.Have you given your life to Jesus?Are you following Christ standard?Can you work for the Lord?All these matters not money,i don't believe in wealth.Your Eternal welfare is my concern. See you next time if Jesus tarries his second coming.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thinking Marriage?,Youths,Please stop putting God to test.

My blogging today have got another day for the youths!!!
Please no hissing,no cursing me please,if you feel like things are getting mixed up on the road  to your successful marriage after reading this blog posting,i will advice you to get on your knees and pray.
First and Foremost today,i want everyone who is unmarried to know that God is very much interested in your Marriage.He want you to get married but please don't be sad with the stage of  your marital life today because God the architect of every Marriage is interested in you and your partner,if only you can both invited him in today.
Many youths are regretting because of their choices in life.Many have opted out of promising relationships because they can no longer endure the pain alone.Many are the only one bearing the loads in some relationships,what i meant here is that,they are the  one sustaining  such relationships.Many are compromising their Church standards so as to come to the level of their desired partners.Many have done those above,and felt they have fallen out of God's standard for a good Marriage just as Lucifer fell out of the grace of God.
Today,i am calling on youths, that there is a way out of their marital  life troubles and this way, is the way of truth and focus.
What do i mean by the way of truth? This simply means inviting Jesus into your relationships.Many good relationships have hit the rocks because of Christ absence.Many lies for one another even at courtship levels and expect a bright Marital life tomorrow.Many find it difficult to accept the truth of life with regard to their Marriage,but put God to test by their actions."Life is not a bed of roses but many want their Marriage to ever be honeying,without the cross.Good Marriage are under the  tests of both God and Devils and such testing must have begun from the inception of the relationships." God  knows how your Marriage will be from the stage of relationship and the devils knows the same.You cannot escape the tests of both God and devils on your way to Marriage.Relationship contacted from Night party is already a polluted one,please swallow this well! God cannot bless such union ,evil anointing and blessings awaited such union unless they invited Jesus into their home.
Before i tell you about the way of focus,let me say this,"It is not every Marriage that God's marital blessings rest upon,many receive their blessings after many years without God.The truth is that,you cannot have God's blessings without his presence"
Many people are without focus,some don't know what they want in a woman or what they want in a man.They keep jumping from guys to guys and from girls to girls.Many have polluted their lives as a result of this.Many are with the list of what their to be man or woman must look like.If they happen to show you the list because in your eyes and in my eyes,it is going to look like an endless list.Many as a result of lack of focus have become insatiable and have turned themselves to nymphomaniac,whereas they think that they are hot,such hotness is abnormal,it is nothing but the ailment of  the nymphos.
Youths, Marriage is meant to be a Heaven on Earth where you are united to God as one and where God is the head in  your home.If you have God as the focus and aim at having his laws well established within you,only then shall you have blissful relationships on the Earth.Let me tell you,Not all that glitter is Gold,it is not every sweet relationship that are really sweet mind you many from the insides are already distasteful,if you have a bite you are going to regret it.There are many who regret ever knowing the other person,well such is life but you can still move ahead.Please Marriage issue is not what you have to do with testing God.Gideon tested God,but not on marriage issue.Abraham servant did not test God but he prayed.Please pray instead of testing.If you say,God,the first person to do this or that is the one you choose for me you are testing him."The irony of Marriage is that instead of us to let God have his way ,we are putting him to test."
Stop putting God to test,Youths!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

These four Life timers!!!!!!

The four timers are these;Today,Tomorrow,Future and Eternity.
The Today begin from the day of birth but death has no power over Eternity.There are many unborn children who never see the light of Today,they perish in the course of their journey into the world.We have the records of miscarriages,abortion and stillbirth foetus which perish on the course of their been born.Today dies daily,fully grown and died at a ripe age of 24 hours!!!.In our Today is the life,the sickness, the health,the food,the hunger, the joy,the sorrow,the hope,the love,the hatred,the war,the peace,the times and the seasons!!!
Tomorrow always stems form today's past.Tomorrow is the beginning of human trepidations,causes of concern,anxiety and fears. The Livings are always anxious of Tomorrow because it may not come as they want,if gloom they are dejected but are always flashy,when there are forms of celebrations coming their ways.Tomorrow cannot come without Today's death, that's an important fact.
The farther of Tomorrow is the Future,where the Livings believed that their dreams,hopes and desires fulfillment awaits them.It is a place of glory and regrets the results of Today's indulgences.
The last but not the least,an endless time believed to be the timing of God is the Eternity.The Bible said God has set Eternity on our hearts that we may not find out his work.This hand  timer remain elusive.
In terms of quantity,Today is simple,vital,chunky  but hectic.Tomorrow is elastic,controllable and also dominating over the Future.They are both handy.Let me say this as my word"Eternity is the mother of all time but the child of Today and Tomorrow.You can stay away from  every time but never from Eternity."
In terms of justice,Today is the judge of Tomorrow and Future.What goods you refuse to do Today is your judge through Eternity.What you refuse to give to the Lord today shall be your prosecutor in Eternity.It is possible for someone to be an onlooker in his or her Today,in his or her Tomorrow and in Future but in Eternity issue, everyone is a stakeholder,there is no excuse to give.
In terms of age and spans.Today is the elder of Tomorrow and the Future is the youngest."The irony of the life we live is that we have been living in the oldest Today of our lives",i have thought over these before i wrote this.
There are three Eternity;Eternity Today,Eternity in Tomorrow and the Eternity in the Future.How are you preparing for your Eternity?
Have wonderful  and blessed days ahead of you this year in Jesus name.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just because of Tomorrow?

You are welcome to my blog today.I am writing on that thing people call TOMORROW.
First let me tell you this;
The philosophy in tomorrow is not always for tomorrow but for  just today.THE BEST  TOMORROW IS TODAY! In my understanding of TOMORROW,i have found out that it is a fearful thing for every being to think about their TOMORROW, in short, let me say everyone is afraid of the uncertain tomorrow.
The Bible talked about TOMORROW,in Proverbs27:1 "  Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."
That's the pin-point, which God through His wisdom He gave King Solomon which made him revealed this truth.This scripture  here told us not to boast of thyself about tomorrow.The key here is boasting.The Bible did not ask you not share your dreams.You may share dreams with closed families,lovers and well wishers.Those whom you know could help  achieve your dreams why not share your dreams with them.However sharing dreams should not bring boasting.You are to be plain. and come up with the facts which are going to be glorifying to God himself  and his Christ only.
It looks as if we talk TOMORROW as if in future but,no, it is today.As you boast on your future thinking you are preparing your TOMORROW,you have damaged your tomorrow from your today.
Apostle James also revealed this basic truth by shedding light on it  by his comprehensive details on why not to boast of TOMORROW. JAMES 4:13- 17:
13"Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” 16As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. 17Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins."

He described  a man who wanted to travel abroad for example who has been busy boasting that, London is going to be sweet,Jerusalem is going to be a wonderful place ....,He is going to rock America.They are going to ride flashy cars when he or she get to their destinations abroad etc etc.. You are warned of the future.That place begin on a today.That today is what you based your future on.Instead of boasting why not first give your LOVE to the Lord.Let him give you go ahead before you go anywhere.The problem is that many don't know the Lord,so how are they waiting?They can't wait for the Lord,such will go anywhere without the Lord approval.The Bible said all such is evil.
Because of this economical word many of us have abandoned the  true way for the other ways,rushing after money,wealth, fame and vain glories of this world that will soon perish.We condoned sins as if we needed it as we need water!The best is to do the work of today and tomorrow shall do  the work of themselves.
How much time have you spent today reading and studying the bible? How much time do you spent in prayer daily ? What did you pray for? Did you petition God to do something for you so you could be "successful" or did you pray for Him to use you for his glory?
We take the time to set goals and work to achieve them in our secular life but often do not give thought to setting goals and striving to meet them in our spiritual lives. Which one do you think is the most important?
Finally, Reverence God in all your plans as if there is only today  and pursue your goals as if all days are tomorrow in the best of today!
See you in another today!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

In the name of the Lord

Well,i have come online again at the blogger or let me say, it look like an age that i have come to blogger..
Hmmmm.... i am back now,not minding those girls that do call me fools.They are always wanting to get me out of postings.
I am writing on corruption today.
I hope the girls have done their homework well, because i am coming again to score them anywhere i found them,i just kindly pray i won't score them zeros, right!!!!!!In short let me ask them if they have sanitized their laptops and got rid of those scammers' love letties!!!! I hope the men too are getting holy, right? Including the baba youths, i am not out of my senses,ok,i am sure i know what i am saying here.I am just writing as a Christian journalist!!!!Hmmmm....Have you stop looking at their pictures on facebooks!!!
Please don't kill yourself because of those ladies pics right,!!!!!!
Please no comment right,i have repented from hammering you people about the gospel isn't it!!!!!!!!! because rapture is very near at the door,please in the name of the Lord,stop the  unholy sex,holy or unholy masturbatouches in the corner of nights!!!
 Other point of today is that,i have been sitting for  WASSCE 2010 ooooo.Hey before you begin to pity me right,let me tell you i have gone to the four corner of the campus just like you and in case you have not get there,i am also back to square one just like you too.We are in the same shoe right and please don't commit suicide!!!!!!If there is life,there is hope.I wish you well you who have not get admission ever in your life to four wall of Nigerian jagajaga corrupt campuses.
I saw hell and went through hell, in this just concluding Nov./Dec. WASSCE 2010, i have told you that i am writing on corruption today,here are my inking points.......
Nigerian youths are too corrupt!!!!! Corrupt than demons when it come to cheating and copying!!!!!Come and see many  heads who can sing and reel out 9ice,Dbanj etc songs but a single Maths question they cannot solve.ooooooooooohhhh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is Nigeria not finished like this!!!!!Well,for those curious minds who may want to know why i am sitting for O levels at this stage,hmmmm....i will like to say, the Lord is in need of it.I have once been a Science student with distinctions and credits in my O levels.I don;t fail ooooooooooo in any subject.Please i am not to be pity i am doing the Lord's will.
Back to the point,they cheated,colluded and impersonated among other  examination crimes.It is just too much, a scene to describe.This is absolutely evil.
Nigeria is going to weep for this state of corruption again and again ,it is no curse,i call it future weeping because hardly do i find someone apart from myself who did not cheat in most of the exams,even those days i didn't come to exam hall, i saw some traces of  already solved squeezed answer scripts thrown near the school dust bins.I saw some expos on Chemistry as well as other subjects.It was mass cheating in some of the centers.These people are going to,one way the other find themselves in positions of affluence in life in the near future which i am sure they are not going to be able to defend.Those who are unlucky will find their way to the top through some other bad ways already available,which i am sure they are already eyeing.You know, the society we are,celebrate money than integrity,the rich are the celebrated with no regard to how they amass their wealth!!!!!
No wonder why Africa is always at the back.To be honest with you all,Nigeria is a big problem of Africa.Whatever we do,whatever our policies,positive or negative must affects other Africans nations,they like it or not.However we have the regrets to bite in the future because Corruption has already formed a picture of bleak future for Nigeria.The military regimes have so much destroy  Nigerians moral values.We are totally in mess,no wonder ,why the Senate cannot perform well,why they cannot pass bills and laws that can drive the nation forward yet they are demand millions as salaries.
Oh i so much regret i was born in Nigeria.My God why am i a Nigerian,who want to wait to clear all these mess,if not you help us God!!!!!The mess is too much,too cancerous and not bound only to educational sector,it has pervaded almost all sectors in Nigeria. Can you imagine that,there is fake blood,fake drugs,even fake doctors in Nigeria!!!!!!
Honestly i am so sorry for the state of my nation,yet i still love you Nigeria.I love Nigeria but i hope the love is not going to fade away,if i leave Nigerian shore because of Corruption????????/

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Once upon a time Sexy Christians girls!!!!

This posting has to do with what's going on my mind on the way Christian  girls behaves.
Readers of mind, please come and read my mind here.Can you read mind,if you can,you are highly wanted here!!!!!!
Christian girls,i want to give you a piece of many advices.In this advice, there are bundles of advice,that you cannot do without if you want to have a very good marital life.
Some people have always thought that,we Christians looks alike, but is it true? The truth is that we are not the same.I will never buy the idea of same Christians theory because such Christians are copying themselves but not Christ.The Bible said we are members in the body of Christ and  the message of Paul the Apostle  admonishes us to imitate him(Paul) as he also imitated Christ.
What do Christians girls understand on the subject  above? In the church today, all Christians boys, are they members of Christ body and are they imitating Christ?What of you the Christians girls,are you not also the members of the Lord's body? Tell me.
Christians girls now play pranks by their double dates and that, even in one assembly,Jesus!!!!Boys too,woo five or six girls in the same assembly,my Jesus!!!!!!Christians girls on the internet are just the same with the unsaved youths,they even compete with them on fashion shows!!!!!!
Males too, are wooing Christ's  five body members in a single Christ assembly within some few times.The Church is single but many youths are double dating in a single church.I am sure while in the acts,the devil must be making jests of you,youths.Do you hear me,ok.
That's a sign of weakness.I have even heard of some youths who have sex in the Church.Don't blame them, they have got burnt  in the facial  lust.Let me try and understand them very well, maybe the heat is too much and scientifically too, the hormones are over pumping!!!!!!What a pity for Jesus' boys and girls.
I am not in a relationship but i yearn for a holy one but who can find and i  know what the Lord is telling me to say to you,is that, will you get out of that evil relationship where someone roast you like a corn in the dark!! Will you get out of that relationship so that God can give you your true future partner.Evil relationships won't lend you  the cost of a successful marriage in life, instead it robs you of your qualities marital savings.Future Partner is an ordinary partner,pray for true and lasting future partner and don't double dates again.Forget the past and don't mind if you are dumped, you need only God's grace to have a successful marriage.When you have anticipated  to revive a relationship which won't work.
I have change my mind again.Please tell me are you Christ members with all those Kelly Rowland,Celine Dion,9ice,Jackson's albums in your songs tracks.Even your laptop is an avenue to stir the little Christian boys,Please for God sake let those youths, those young men grow for God,don't use beauty,sex,wealth and others as threat.God is there,who gave you whatever you have, is it God or devil?
If i ask you how many Christian albums are on your music track i am sure they will be many but do you listen to them.You love, o ya ooo jupa jupa..., meeee fall... etc than the Christian songs.Those whom you are singing their worldly songs are in a tate of pity in this issue of marriage.Why then do you want to build your own marriage on their own already failed songs, i ask.If there marriages were not saved but totally ended in divorce,can those songs save your own marriage too when you get married.Think twice.
Girls do abuse me a lot, well maybe it is because i am telling them the truth too small,or may be we don't pally you know.You know i am too small to their big big boys!!!.
I am not happy that marriage is crashing all around,that's why i am also busy with my own God and his experiment.I am sure people will call Prophet Hosea names for marrying a prostitute,but i am sure God is no more doing such experiment again.If you a prostitute,me i cannot marry you oooooo.God can not tell me to go ahead with you.Never i am sure of that.Tell me why should the woman whom you are going to marry be having sex while you are not? When you look at some girls profile on facebook you are bound to be shock,yet they said they are Christian and imagine their foul languages.Facebook is another good way to study woman o jare!!!!Man have you tried it.Test them and you will see their true colour.
I think when you marry one of  such women ,man you are not going to be happy with God.Will you? Some girls at 25 have slept with more than more  men of their age.They have slept with over 25 men, and if your own record is 4 or 5 you too are as bad as someone who have slept with 25.If you have slept with one,that one can ruin your marriage in the future.
I will stop here before they stone me!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Heaven and the Earth

They are to be in the state of uniformity as divinely purposed from the beginning,but are they in that state now?
God has wonderful plan for us who are on the earth as he has had for those in heaven.Many of  us believe in heaven as a place of bliss and an abode of joy and peace.We believe that there is no stress in heaven,no threats  to lives and properties.No accusers, no no enmity at all in heaven even no security.
However it is not like that in the middle history of the Heaven,the Heaven too has its own record of up and downs,time of tales of woe.Even, i think i should say most of the world's problems stems up from the fall-outs of the heavens predicaments.
The heavens , i mean the angels have to go to war so as to regain their peace.They have to wage war against the adversary of their God in their midst.They overcame him,devil the lucifer by the precious blood of the lamb, which is Christ himself.They move from the level of bitterness to victory and love not their life to death until devil's place was no found in the heaven.
The heaven is the spiritual home of the reality.It is from their God declare the first root of RHEMA.It is the home of spiritual realm.No heaven no realms!!!!!!
Home here on Earth is not the basic, there is a home somewhere where i am sure we belong,if we are believers.The bible said the heavens declare the glory of God and day to day reveal his works.We as humans are one part of God's works in another work, the Earth.
In the beginning Messengers have always come from Heaven to the Earth, but not from Earth to Heaven.That's why it is very difficult to get connected to the realms of the heavens and to easily knows what goes on there.Many a humans found this very difficult.That's one of the reason why prayer looks foolish in the eyes of so many people.
God and his angels were in Heaven ,we are on the Earth.Respect Him who sit on the throne of Heaven ,no matter who you are on the Earth.Greater beings reside in heaven and they give due respect to their creator, why not you mortal men.
The devil has deceived many that they have become so pagan at heart,that they keep following after the world and hastens after its glory.Such ones shall perish along with all that are in the world but God remain  the same.Men disobedient immortal souls shall be judge by Him(God) and He shall recompense every one as his or her works shall  be at the end of the age.You who have been on good tracks and records why do you want to deviate and derail?The good of it, is to come out of darkness world of the Earth into the wonderful light of God.Reject paganism of hearts and honour God.Heaven is near than you imagine it is only paganism than made heaven to be far away to your Earth's hearts.For the Earth to achieve peace till Christ come  we have to wage spiritual war against the devil and his cohorts

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today i am going to write on the state of the heart,and when one is talking about the state of the heart,it is not about the pump in and out of blood by the heart i am talking about now ,though some facts on the circulatory of blood may crop up the main facts i am trying to pass across is,how distinct is your heart before God?
I am writing on distinctness today.
In Genesis,the bible said "But Noah find grace in the sight of God".God was about to wash away the whole world with flood and he was determined to do it.His work of creation,the best of them all,instead of them to make him happy they grieved his heart.
God was searching for hearts.He has seen all hearts as very evil and very bad.He kept searching from town to town,village to village until he got to Noah.
Noah's heart was distinct from the other available living hearts in his days.Noah was not perfect but He found grace in the sight of God.Noah's grace brought relieve to humanity toils before him and he truly live up to his name.
Many sins and do as if God did not see them.Some are struggling to come out of their sins.Let me confess,when one jump into sin,it is very difficult to come out.Sins that have to do with sex is always difficult to come out from them.Sins connected with minds is very difficult to come out from them.You need prayers.Times will come you fall again,but keep praying.You will come out.You don't want to sleep with your boyfriend or girl friend again but you keep falling again and again.Don't stop trying God looks at the heart  not at your face.Don't mind the men who looks at you and spat at you saying you are this or that.They are dead men and women.They can never repent again.Such people are very weak,useless beings.

May be you have been cheating,stealing, lying, embezzling and you find yourself still doing a little,little ones,don't give up if you really want to come out of them all.Let the conviction to come up,when the Holy Spirit convicts you of sins.David is an example of those who surrender himself to the Holy Spirit convictions.There is no sinless man in the world  except Christ and he died for the sinful ones.Remeber Paul, said he was among the chief sinners.

Sin  easily besets.It entice.I may have one sin but the grace in my life will make me overcome such sin.What of you?Be distinct today or else you loose?
Catch this quote of mine today, A man struggling out of a lone mind sin will one day through God's help overcome, but you with loads of sins claiming to be  righteous will one day be question of distinctness.

God is searching hearts too all over the world these days,He has assignments and homework to give people,the reward is going to be highly beneficial.God sees your hearts and he sees mine.Are you sure you are going to find grace in God's sight.
To be distinct,your heart must be peculiar,so different from others.I am not saying you are going to look perfect,what i am saying is that God and man must be able to witness you.I am not saying you must be the holiest in any place where you are now,no,no, but you must be goodly different.The world must differentiate you from them

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hmmmm... don't say i have come again,i have just arrived!!!!!!!!Election is around but not so around so as to allow some people to sleep.Please don't develop cardiac arrest ooooooooooo.Doctors are on strike!!!!!
I  am sure Nigerian papers are having real swell in their banking accounts.We are being fed much on election news than any other thing.We now drink elections news as if we are drinking water.Newspapers, really, are having  fun with political issues having to do with election matters in this country.To  them, i guess it is a matter of fun.It is very difficult for common Nigerians to comprehend the papers these days.Can someone tell me what's going on in the papers these days?I am really confuse.However,that's not the issue on ground now.The real issue on ground and which is going to be a universal issue,is whether you are save or not?Are you save?Election machines riggers are you save from the coming destruction upon the evil world?

I have come to a level of reasoning that,from now i am no longer seeking for the material comfort of the masses alone i am also seeking for their spiritual comforts.
Nigerians, your spiritual comfort is my concern.I mean whatever has to do with your spiritual lives,your spiritual welfare,your spiritual meanings in line with God only.Rich and powerful nations without Righteousness amount to nothing.I mean in the presence of abundance wealth and comforts but the absence of Christ in it amount to emptiness.The desire for wealth without Christ is one of  the greatest mistake the world has ever made.So Nigeria as you go up in the ladder toward your great visions,please carry the banner of godliness along with you,or else some of your girls will soon start putting on pants all over the road, borrowing a leaf  from other people failures!!!!!
It is a matter of randomness.When people don't know the next step but groping around and stumbling on issues that could have been avoided is the issue of randomness.Randomness has no direction,it cannot be ascertained.It sound as if it was a powerful echo but it is not so.
There is no where in the world that the power of randomness is not felt.We all move in a zig-zag manner almost everyday.What is bad is to also make our thoughts so zig-zag in manner.The cure to randomness of thought begin from firmness of mind.We are always thinking good but never come to good firmness and that is the gateway to randomness.

A state of randomness is a state of  feeling unsure of the next step.The  consolation free flows that differentiate those who are in such state from zombiesm  is the fact that they are sleeping and waking up.

The best way to clear Randomness away from your lives and thoughts is not in your job,income,IQ,wealth,material opulence,beauty,fame but it is in your relationship with God.So make God your friend today.
Abraham is never a random man.He has a fixed thought, though asking God to give His blessing to Ishmael has faith in God.Believe in God and your randomness shall be gone.
See you till we become friend in God .Have a nice day. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The process of going into dramatic elections is called Election-arism.
It is a term Google's dictionary has no meaning  i am so sure of that,already it has been underlining today's title while i am working on the posting.
Many may not understand  the process of Election-arism because they  are not among the Election riggers.Hmmmm.... i am not among them but i have studied them,they are all over the world but so rampant here in this continent of Africa.Everywhere in this world rigs election,there is always an issue of election fraud
 everywhere in the world.I am not a politician right!!!!!!!!
Every continent is noted for its resources,talents and contributions to the development of the world at large.
There are seven continents binding the world as one.In one part of this  world  at the far up WEST  is the super world North America noted for her dominion-ism, democratic-ism,human-right-ism, big mother-ism,research-ism,she also feed nearly all the world world with her dollars dollar-ism!!!!!!Also there is fever of American-ism.
Coming down is her cousin the sport-isms.South America is the home of future sports even from this moments.Giants in sports come largely from her.She is also noted for her latin-ism
On virtual flights with me to Europe you will read some banners that will make you feeling to stay more of your days there.In my research i found out that Europe is technology-ism oriented and sport-ism.
From the tops of Europe tall's building i can see Asia vast land masses spreading all over my face.Plague lands with Earthquakes.She is impoverish with quak-ism.China,and the rest of Asia are epitome of beauty and historic but so plague with earthquakes and the evil effects of the former commun-ism and emperor-ism.
On the farther ground is Australasia, the home of the Australians,the unknown-ism part of the world.I think she is too quiet-ism though also plagued  with bad weather-ism just like Asia.
 Other cosequential -isms of Africa juju-ism some other parts of the world called their owns other powers voodoo-ism.African voodoo-ism is known as juju-ism.It is a  use tool in every election rigg-ism.Poverty-ism also plague Africa than other part of the world.Blacky-ism is also here everywhere is always dark A country in some of the other continent use more  electrical power than all put together in Africa,Corruption-ism is also a veritable part and parcel of corrupt elected officers.
African-ism is still a topic yet to be verify,so hold on let me furnish you with the last but not the least.

Antartica is the last of all continent, full of water and hardly does we see human living on it.We all fish in it a form of fishy-ism and do every water job.How is your own life-ism are you fleshy-ism or in God?
Let's pray against all electionarism from our country and continents at large.God will hear in Jesus name.Amen

Monday, August 16, 2010

God's Plans begins from the corner

What i always observe, is that, when God wanted to do something He do start them from a corner.He begins with a few people.God will not harass when He starts to carry out His plans.It is God's policy to have His servants in His plans.He always ensure that His message is clearly understood.
Jesus  once said that,whatever we  hear him say in the corner,we should declare them in the public.
That corner is in you, in your personality, in your mindset but in God's time.
You made use of your heart to receive the plans of God.The heart become illuminated with God's glory and this serve as the driving force that propels you to carry out the plans of God with ease.Christ come from Bethlehem.
It pleased God that the Lord should come from the low background.
The first son of the richest Father,the first son of the richest God,the first  son of the most powerful God come into this world  and was born in a common manger.In birth, i am better than Christ.It is a  fact that,if i am not a rich man son,if i am not born in USA and if i am not a big boy yet,i am still better than the first born of my Father in heaven.I am living a life better than him.
The joyful part there is that,the Lord himself as the first born want me to live abundant life.There is no bitter point.It is mutual,and i am very much benefiting from him.He brought the joy of salvation and the hope full of good news.From simplicity,he rose to become the saviour of the whole world.Simplicity is a corner,corner quality a good man begin to dish out to the public at its maturity,using it to affect his public
A simple man like him is a  public irritation, however, God made use of this obscurity as the base of his plans.Many of God's plans are always unknown and He  also made use of unknown vessels to reach out to those who really needed His plans at the time of maturity.

Many of us have many, many, treasures in the corner prepared by God beforehand which He wanted us to bring out for everyone to see, everyone to hear and everyone to listen to in His own appointed time.It is a matter of fact to be current with God always so as not to loose our treasures

We should then, when His time come, not act like Jonah who fled to Tarshish from before the presence of God.God dealt with Jonah before He carry out God's commission.It is a grace for Jonah.
What stages are you in now,Have you fixed your self up, awaiting the plans of God in His own time?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Grace that is in Christ Jesus

 Glory be to God,the convention is over.We are blessed in particular in this wonderful grace the Lord has renewed before us.I thanked the Lord for the privilege.
This grace in Christ Jesus is a wonderful one that provide the means for the whole world to escape the coming damnation upon it.The world is getting nearer to the judgment day and the more the world get aged the more we get nearer.
Through divine inspiration by the Holy Ghost we were able to get this wonderful information.When we come into Christ,we have the divine grace.There are other graces but in the presence of Christ Jesus,they all have expired.The only grace effective and still active these days is the grace that is to be found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Are you so much in need of grace and you have been seeking this from other sources,you must have made  some grievous mistakes for doing that.The outside graces have expired.They are nothing but thieves and extortioners.God don't reckon with them.There,in them lies no grace.
The grace of God is in Israel when He  brought them out of the home of bondage.He gave them the grace of circumcision,but these days we are keen to observe that circumcision covenanted grace has expired.God no longer reckons with it.
The grace of God  was bestowed on Noah and the Bible said Noah found grace in the sight of God.That grace hold the world together.It was universal just like the grace in Jesus but so limited in those days,it was reserved to those who entered the ark.There are certainties that many are going to perish because of  the ark's limit of capacity.The conditions that cause Noah almost  hundred of  years to build the ark and with the timing of God restricted the grace finally to Noah's  family only.
The grace of God was on Moses There are many that perished on the way which could have merited the same grace bestowed on Moses by God.However these people fell on the way.Moses grace was singular but he strive to keep God's grace upon the Children of Israel.
The grace of God bestowed on Abraham.It was a marvelous grace.Through Abraham,Ishmael obtained grace,but it was not going to be an eternal one.In the presence of Christ grace,such grace varnish.

There are many other  graces  but the Grace  in Christ Jesus. are we enjoined to be strong in.The Bible admonished us to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.It is not a past tense grace.

The court of Law do bestow grace but to a certain extent.

The society we live has its own grace.

There is also parental grace among others.

The grace in Christ Jesus excel above them all.It has no parallel competitor because it is divine.
I have changed the banner on my phone to Christ's grace so as to keep it in mind.I am to be strengthen in this grace.I am to walk in this grace.More so,as Christian we are to have in mind that this grace expires immediately after death.The Bible said ,after death it is judgment.We are all going to stand before the great white throne of judgment,the judgment seat of Christ.Where the whole truth shall be known and everything laid out before God as bare as possible.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Praise the Lord,this year 2010 convention has come and i believe that as i am online now the opening program has begun starting from today and is to cover through the sixth of August ,2010.
I am going to upload some of the photographs of the convention services on my blog here,by the grace of God.
Sure,i am going to cover much and snap big in this holy convention. 
LAWNA in The Apostolic Church ,Nigeria means Lagos and Western, Northern Areas Convention.  You can watch the video of the church programmes by following this link:The Apostolic Churh Website
You are welcome and be richly blessed through Christ Jesus our Lord.Amen.
I am happy because i am going to hear that yearly songs and one favorite of mine is this,let me share it with you
E fi ope iyin,ola fun Jesu Oba
Odun bawa layo,o ba wa layo
Ogo loye Baba.

This song in my dialect is a come together song giving thank to God that we meet once again joyfully.
The Lord is please to see you watch the videos,please be there at the link as from today.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Call unto Liberty by the Lord.

As far as my understanding permit me,i think the meaning of Liberty is  to have freedom,or to be in its state.The Church of the Lord has been blessed by the Lord himself with Liberty.We have Liberty in the fold, that is so unlimited,victorious unrestricted and surely free.
It is neither of the physique nor is it physical.It is not of the flesh but of the Spirit.The Liberty is not to come under the control of the fleshExercising the Liberty of Christ  through the flesh is tartamount to glorifying the devil.The devil govern whatever has to do with fleshy issues so to stoop under its control will abuse the Liberty in which Christ has called us unto.
 The Church of Christ as a body needs to be aware of this always,that is given by grace and it is not a choice but a privilege.
       In 2 Cor. 3 :17 which says
                                Now the Lord is that Spirit: and  where the Spirit of the Lord is,there is Liberty."
The Spirit is  of the Lord and he was active within the Church.That has enable the Church to realize the grace in which we have been called into.
It is compulsory for the church to have this understanding that "Brethren are always Christians but not every Christians are Brethren"
We have the presence of the Lord with us alway according to Math. 28:20  and we walk with him.What did Gal. 5:13 says. It also talked about Liberty,the same with verse 16.
"For Brethren,ye have been called unto Liberty;only use Liberty for an occasion to the flesh,but by Love serve one another"
"This i say then,walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh"
In this world,these days,we have the appetites of the world to do away with,if we are not going to abuse this Liberty in which we have been called into.
We need to walk not as those who are in the world.That's the key.Walk in Christ.Do not do the things of the world along with Christ principles.Bear fruits worthy of the Lord.The flesh profits nothing.
We are very prone into abusing this Liberty as Christians,i am going to write on this on my next postings.Be blessed.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Do we go in Peace?

When you wanted something in life, in the midst of many things,many needs, many desires,many feelings,many actions  waiting for you to carry them out-perhaps to launch,many wishes,many many thoughts and a gift of peace to permeate your world.Be grateful to God for that, for that single gift of peace is the blessing where with God. himself has blessed you in all your toils.
God did not made king Solomon reign to be like his father David based on the platform of peace.I have read those passages having to do with David and Solomon in the Bible more than often and have come to this understanding that the only obvious difference between father and son is peace.David fought wars in his days and his days were so plagued with both internal and external problems.Let me say he had no peace all his days!!!He was a man of war.He fought war to have peace.
However Solomon did not have to fight wars before he can have peace because God dash him peace he needed.His troops,chariots,horses, and trained soldiers were just useless because i did not see any trace of many wars in his days,they must be in use to maintain internal security purposes ,i think so..The Bible said "God gave Solomon peace round about him.His kingdom knew peace and tranquility!!!He was such a lucky king.No wonder he was able to have real time for women.
The Bible talked about peace in the form of prophecy,praise,prayer,preaching and in many other form.
Our saviour standing on peace is critical.The Lord is critical on the issue of world peace and the record is there for all to see.He is truly the peace of the world.
Many have been stopped from working for the Lord by their families,friends and acquaintances  but those who resisted have always being at loggerheads with their families.I don't have a family that could stop me from working for the Lord and i don't pray for that either in future.For the sake of Christ i can throw away my peace because i have his peace.Who are you to stop me from doing the Lord's work.How dare you ever think of such things? Oh!! you must be Lucifer, if you want me to go against the doctrine of the Lord.No more,no less,Christ has given us his peace forever and ever,so why not throw away my own peace and be away with any wife,any son, any daughter,any family... that may want to stop me from doing the will of Christ.I am not going to compromise my standard on the doctrine of Christ.
My peace have i given you and not as the world gives, said the Lord. The Lord's peace if free for all.It is not to be negotiate on a round table.It is not a dialogue form.It is spiritual and fleshy.
We too in our days have the peace of Christ.How do we utilize his peace to the point maximization? The joy and peace of mind that made Stephen to keep preaching and keep testifying of Christ even at the point of death is part of the issue at hand.How do we exercise our peace in Christ given to us by him.As Christians we have the best peace in Contentment and Faith.
Christ is a man of contentment.In his contentment lies our peace.His peace in this busy world is the only thing that make us keep going.If we don't want to get muddled up with the mud-world,we must be go with the faith coated peace of Christ.Many of us go in warring attitudes.We don't go in peace.We  do abuse the Lord's peace.No wonder the Bible said there is no peace unto the wicked.
This wicked world's peace is in a state of recklessness.It is just a matter of boo-booed, weewee peace!!!!! A form of palsy-sickened peace.
If not for  Christ's peace he has given unto us his own people before he left this world ,there would be no peace at his return.The Lord will have his peace at his return but as Christians let's keep employing this peace to the interest of our master Jesus.
Let us as Christians go in peace as we walk through this dark world!!!!
Without us Christians there is no peace in this world.Be proud of that.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Christ, the King of kings

The royal symbols of  earthly kings ranges from crowns,scepters, thrones,royal costumes,royal beads,power and authorities conferred on them however our heavenly father, God, is the Supreme King over all and all.Through Him Christ has been conferred with the Authority to judge the whole world at the time He the father had set.He shall sit on the great white throne at the end of this world to execute judgment upon the people..
Why is the Authority given to Christ,or why is there going to be a judgment  seat of Christ before which we are all going to stand in order to be judge and why is Christ the King  of this occasion?
When we look on this issue at hand we must see that a greater Authority is required from the human race to judge both the great and the small.Christ perfectly filled the space ordained by God a human like us who knows our strengths and weaknesses.
Christ as God is the King of kings because of the following reasons:
His throne is of everlasting.Psalm 45:6
He was chosen by God himself and has established His Throne from of old.
Only Him has the righteous scepter to declare justice on both the great and the small.Hebrew 1:8
Christ will judge the world with righteousness and the people with equity.
He is King of kings to the glory of God the father but to the shame of the devil.

The kings of the world shall stand in awe of the great white Throne on the day of judgment

God the father has chosen Christ to administer His will,His wrath,His judgment on the disobedient world.
There are many kings who would dare challenge Christ, if he is going to be bias on the judgment day,but He is going to judge in holiness and in righteousness at the time which the father has set.
Many people never want to acknowledge Christ as King of kings but on that day,they shall have no  other choice than to be subjected before His Throne..
Seeing yourself in the wrong  light on the day of judgment is enough to fire you to hell and this should sound a warning to us that an unbelieving mind is a great crime before God Almighty.
Children need to know that God has highly exalted Christ and has given Him a name above every other name,that at the mention of  Jesus Christ,every knees in heaven,earth and below the earth must to bow and God must have the glory..That's taken from Philippians 2: 9-11
This faith begins from believing,you cannot accept Christ as the King of kings if you don't believe in Him.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Eternal Throne.

.I am writing on the Eternal Throne of God today.
Whenever i wanted to test a child about the dwelling place of our God, i do ask him or her that "where is  your God".Children are fond of pointing into the sky!!!! However i do observe that some serious ones do bombard me with questions like,what is he doing up there?when is Jesus coming back?why is God up there?Is he very far away?
I always try to explain these to them and i am always happy in discussing with children, the issue of creation.
I am done with asking of such question  or making them curious about whom God is.I have shifted gear because from now on i am going to ask children on why God is King of  kings.
Why is God King of  kings?
I am sure they are going to ask me one sure question that,is the devil a king or a queen.
Hmmmm those with the minds of Thomas of the Bible may try to convince me that if God is the king then the devil is her husband.Maybe they having fought got separated and they have remained so ever since..I am sure i am going to be ask a question like that.
The fact is our God is the King of kings.His Throne is of no end.That is why it is called an Eternal Throne
God even without us has got the angels as his subjects.He has been reigning over them from the beginning.He has been God over them.
The angels created by God are superior over the kings of the earth.
We all knew how a single angel almost destroy the host of army in the camp of the Assyrian king who camp against Judah in the days of Hezekiah

His Authority is above all.
He can abased and uplift kings according to his wishes.
He can not be dethrone.
All other kings looks unto him for guidance and wisdom.
He is the creator of every kings.

I expect children to give me these few answers in return but to the adult ,i want to ask you, as you read this blog that, "Why is God King of kings?"
My quote for today:
Their have been thrones but this Throne of our God has swallowed them up

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Whatever You Do

In  this life, we have many and many things to do.We are even more busy than the days  of those clauses  in the Bible.Whatever you do covers all our daily activities whether good or evil.
The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write boldly this word,for the edification of the Church.

"Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." as it is to be  found in 1 Corinthians 10:31
The above scripture is  to be seen as an edifying word,establishing the Church to the glory of God.
There is no restriction as to the freedom of our actions because the Lord has known what our own days is going to be.
We have been given the scripture as a checking order.

There are many activities presently in the world that a Child of God must not chide away from, if such  one is going to be successful in life.

It may be in the area of recommendations as an example.
Books may be recommended for you as a Child of God that you must read before you can pass an Examination.When you flipped through such books,you find it so demoralizing , themes and messages of the books so much in contrary to the Bible's teaching.
What do you do?
You may look for a way of escape,that 's a good  but when such opportunity seems not to come,the better is to apply this biblical portion of the Bible in other to attack your situation to the root.
It is  to be observed in all spheres of life.

You may ask yourself sincere questions like these, before venturing into those areas of your life which you intends to explore:
        How am i going to read this book to the glory of God?
There are some books carrying some sentiments against your belief in Christ and  God.You need to work out reading such books to the glory of God.You are not to read to fail but you must read to the glory of God.Your mind must be strong and firm against whatever the books are going to teach and you must not fancy anything from such books.

        How am i going to do this work to the glory of God?
There are works that are inevitable for you.God may be testing your loyalty to him.You need to credit such work to the glory of God and remain resolute that you are not going to change  your stand to the glory of God.

        How am i going to say all these words to the glory of God?
When you speak words that don't glorify God,you are glorifying the devil.

Those who are in the area of convincing or assuring people need to know that.

        How am i going to tell the people what will fetch the glory of God?
When you stand before the people have in mind that you must speak the truth no matter the cost.

        How am i going to seek God's glory first above my studies?
Here,you need to be the light.Let your studies to glorify God.What you write and say concerning your studies must honour God. 

        How am i going to enter a relationship to the glory of God? 
This part is very compulsory for us youths.You don't have to rush into a relationship only to jump out.I want to ask,why the rush?Sex or for what.Is it for the glory of God at that time?

        How am i going to contest for this post to the glory of God?
Politicians need to ponder on this most.How are they going to contest for  posts in  elections under a   free and fair atmosphere.I don't even think it is good for Christians to contest for election in this continent.They need to contest for the glory of God so as to have the Blessings of God.You cannot drag God into what you don't began with Him,it will be  very difficult for you

        How am i going to help my neighbour to the glory of God?
There ae many men who slept with ladies before assisting them to get job.Some demands  for money before giving a helping hand to their neighbours.

        How am i going to fight to the glory of God?
I once read of two brethren who are fighting one another and the minister of God who came to settle the quarrel quoted from the scripture above  telling them to keep fighting on,but they must fight to the glory of God.Yes,that's how it should be.Fighting to the glory of God.A simple reasoning should tell a child of God that their is no glory in fighting one another.No glory at all.

        How am i going to tease to the glory of God?
Don't tease  for sexual gratification except in marriage for that can never lead to the glory of God.

        How am i going to woo to the glory of God?
 Woo in the right way and according to the will of God.Don't double date again when  you finally have your own fiance or fiancee

        How am i going to relate with people to the glory of God?
Let them know you are a confirmed Christian and that you are a born again.Be cordial to all.

        How am i going to associate with people to the glory of God?
Make every one as brothers and sisters in the Lord and give due respect to the elders in the Lord.Give due respect to everyone in the body of Christ.Always consider other people opinions.It is a quality expected of you before taking a decision.

        How am i going to merry to the glory of God?
Don't merry like king Solomon  but be moderate in your merriment.Don't glory like Herod.
        How am i going to eat and drink  to the glory of God?
Eat  and drink whatever you are offered by blessing them to the glory of God.In your own home,eat to  God's glory.
        How am i going to bring up my kids to the glory of God?
Prayerfully and you must from their very tender ages expose them to the Bible for your good and their own peace.

With other thousands of Hows,we can achieve joy that will not be transient in nature, if only we can apply "to the glory of God"  to all our endeavours.

God is pleased with those seeking  his glory.He will credit them with their expected ends and blessings.God is faithful to such people and He will never be unkind to them.The earth, day by day reveals  the glory of God, how much more, we, created mainly for that purpose.

We will do well if we let God has His glory.Give no glory to any idol but God in your life.Many give glory to money,fame power,beauty,luck,success to the level of being carried away in them and i want everyone who is reading this blog to know that whatever is not God's glory is a vainglory.

To cap it all, today,i will like to give these quotes of mine i have written on this posting:
 "The best good you can do in a day,is to let whatever you do, to glorify God."

 "The devil owns every vainglory, because,vainglory is that glory stuck to yourself that you refuse to give God,hence,it belongs not to God but indirectly attributed to the devil."

 Colossians 3:17 says "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."

Give God the glory by giving thanks.Glory in the Highest to God for this posting on this blog today.
Hallelujah, Amen.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Devil at the Christ Cross-his failures on the plan of Salvation

I want to write on, what i think must have come up on  the mind of the devil about the Lord Jesus on the plan of Salvation.The battle began in the garden of Eden when our God gave the promise of Christ smiting the devil's head.
I am also going to write on how this adversary of God planned to thwart the will of God from coming to pass concerning his plan of Redemption which God has foretold from the beginning.
Please come along with me,to see through the most wicked thoughts that ever come up in the spirit realm.
Here is the devil's thinking:
Devil:|"Now that this God has spoken about my destruction,am i going to sit down and be watching his plans unfolding like that,Oh!! i must do something."
Fellow believers,do you know that he actually did many things?
He first broke God's heart,with the thought that when humans committed great wickedness and crimes ,God will surely wiped them out of the surface of the earth.Honestly, if we are to scrutinize this satanic plot ,we are sure to come to the same conclusion that he almost achieved his evil aim.
Let me shed light more on this.
The devil knew God's impatience to tolerate sin and that He cannot stand to behold wickedness and evil thoughts.He had  known that as a result of his own wickedness was he cast out from heaven and he hoped, then, that God must do the same to this human generations.He must wipe them out when he the devil finished afflicting them and manipulating their souls to be continuously  evil in thoughts.We are very lucky that the head of a single family find grace in the sight of God, and that man  is,Noah.
Please don't forget that he achieved his aim on Cain by making God cursed him.

The devil did not rest there,he continue to find ways to ensure that God's plans did not materialized,the plan of Salvation.
He employed another strategy, where he aimed to destroy the chosen race of God by provoking God to jealousy.He knew God as a jealous God who never wanted to share His glory with any idol.The devil therefore ensured that demi-gods,semi-gods and other gods come into view.Men began to worship them instead of God.They forsook God and eventually God was provoked,we all knew,how God almost destroy the children of Israel because of  the sin of idolatry.However Moses and other servants of God interceded for this chosen generation in the course of history.

I observed that God has narrowed his plan into a particular race and generation-the Children of Israel.The devil too aware of this,set himself against them and planned to rubbished the genealogy of Christ by ensuring that,David's throne become a mess!! Christ is to reign on the throne of David according to the promise  of God.the devil tried to rubbished the throne.He made David committed murder and not only that he even pushed him to the stage of concealing his sin.David repented of his sin and we have the record of this in Psalm 51 but not without God's curse on him and upon his house.
Later the plan of Salvation extended again to the whole world.That's very wonderful.

Other notable confrontations of the devil on the plan of salvation  came up in the New Testament.
He first stirred the wicked,king Herod against the baby Jesus.
The devil has prepared a very wicked king against the birth of Christ however our God has prepared an obedient parent to save his life.God checkmated the devil here Himself
Secondly, his three supersonic temptation tests, he gave Christ,which could have swept away,even the feet of  strong men .Glory be to God that Christ overcame.
Thirdly,the pharisees,high priests,Lawyers,sadducees gave Christ a very tough time.They made us realized how humbled Christ is and how determined he was to finished the work of Salvation.

Finally on the cross the devil failed woefully.Christ went to the cross having endured the shame and sufferings.He resurrected on the third day according to his word and  was seen by his disciples.They became His witness but the devil employed stiff opposition against them and against the Gospel.However the Lord gave the common charge to take the good tidings of  God's Salvation to people all over the world.


The devil cannot do the same.He cannot die and resurrect.He knew once he surrender himself to death,that is his end.He will never rise again.He has no power to laid down his life and take it up again like Christ.In this plan of Salvation,we have a challenge against the devil,the Lord brought this challenge up after his resurrection because Christ said all authorities has been given to him.He has the key to the hell and death.If the devil should of dying,he will be dead for eternity!!!!!

That message,the Gospel, has come to Africa, the most darkest of the world's continents and is spreading the glory of God.

Presently,the devil is at work again,he has gone back to his thought-board and has changed from the method of direct persecution to a life of comfort for believers,nowadays.
We all knew how the Church was persecuted in the days of Church history!!!Now the devil has adopted the method of  sit back  and live comfortably  against the Christians.

Christians,believers,the stage we are now is the end point of God's work of Salvation where every man must singly and fearfully work his or her Salvation through
 Please beware  and  work your Salvation with fear and tremblings.The devil must fail in our lives as we save others.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Christians Spiritual Background

Glory be to God that we are called from the darkness into His Marvelous Light.
   "Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light." according to  Colossians 1:12 As  Christian men and women regardless of our different denominations,called from different backgrounds into the common background of the living God,we should keep walking in the Light of God.
In the beginning until the time of Christ,God has so much allowed the generation of mankind under different backgrounds but with reduced and considerable alienation of divine presence in the world.It has always been on and off issue even among the chosen of Abraham

How does different backgrounds come into play,you may want to ask?
In the beginning,as a result of man's fall, the continual evil thoughts emanating from the hearts of men,their daily wicked acts.Imagine when God looked down upon the  earth and found out that a single average man committed an aggregate of wicked acts amounting to the number of hours in a day ranging from:lying,stealing,cheating,backbiting,getting drunk up, to fornicating.... just to mention but a few which may be in repetition,brought the different patterns we are seeing today in the world as to how man viewed themselves and on which ground  they  can survive.These struggles have resulted into diverse spiritual backgrounds on the account of darkness,for their motive is to be far away from God.God began to be far away from men,they began to see him as a spirit whom they can get away from,as He is very far away.
This Implies two distinct backgrounds.
The background of God which is the light and the different backgrounds from which the devil  operates.
That's the beginning.
The Darkness comes into view.The Devil brought the darkness into men spiritual lives,wherever he is, there is always some sought of darkness.In Darkness, there are usually many backgrounds.That's why,in the spiritual world,there are more than many backgrounds operating as the power of darkness and ever since, have they  been in operation recruiting men into their evil backgrounds.

Nevertheless, the Light of God remained in the world because He(God) entered into a covenant with Abraham and a race from Abraham was separated unto God Himself where his own background in the course of man's history will abide.
Glory be to God for this, and for His love,He had on the mankind.His purpose is to be the God of this chosen Abraham's race,they will be his own chosen people until the time He had set for His Son, Jesus Christ the savior to redeemed mankind  unto Himself, the main and the true background.

When the world is without Christ,we all can read from every available evidences that they,before us groped in the  Darkness.Their minds too,  darkened by the god of this world,the devil.The devil in his subtlety has used these diverse backgrounds in homage to him fool men from craving for the Light but when the Son of God came,Christ destroyed the works of the devil.
 Eph. 5:8 says:
       "For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the Lord: walk as children of light"
 The Lord has brought us into the Marvelous light  of God and has called us into His field according to
Acts 26:18:
       "To open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me."  And now we have to tell them what the Bible said that men should do with the Light
   John 12:36:
"      "While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light."
 That's  the heritage we the Christians have.Once they believe in the light they become the sons of God.
Jesus said in John 9:5 "As long as i am in the world,i am the light of the world "
   The background that men came into after repentance is the light, and that is the only background that every true child of God should know.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

He is Holy

God is Holy.He is Holy.
There is no where His name is being mentioned that  his Holiness does not drive the Devil away in annoyance and sorrow.God's Holiness is a present history dated back to the beginning of the world.
What i love in God is my confidence to stand before him,why should i have the boldness to stand before God if not ,for, or that He is Holy.
David said,it is better to trust in God than to put confidence in princes and man.I want  you to know that,God  did whatever he wanted in Holiness, and that there is nothing He does out of Holiness.When He was confronting Abimelech in the dream,He came to him as an impartial Judge.If it is man,i cannot predict his own line of action because he could be bias in his reaction!!!!
I love to see God in action.When God stormed an issue,every party to that case come to term.He will judge in Holiness  and everyone will have no choice but accept God's verdict.
God's Holiness is pure and confirmed.His Holiness does not diminish in standard!!!His Holiness does not fluctuate.He is the standard of Holiness the world will always ran away from.
Is there any God as Holy as our God,i ask? Those who have, and put their trust in other gods knows their gods are unholy!!!
What do i mean by this?The gods of this earth has been proved several times to be  liars,even in this country!!!
I have read of a story in one part of Nigeria where their gods asked them to be killing twins.There,twin babies were regarded as abomination by their gods.Nowadays,who dares do that again in any part of that region? People will not dare to kill twins because their eyes have been opened to the real truth,that Children are the Heritage of the Lord.A Scottish missionary who served Jesus Christ in Nigeria in the town of Calabar is that wonderful vessel that God used to stop the killings of twins.Their unholy gods in that region of this country has been deceiving them into the killings of those who could have proved very useful to them  and  the whole nation.She is a year older than me when she entered into the missionary field and she was there in the field laboring for Christ until her death at old age.The Holy God brought her here to destroy the unholy gods' superstitions which has been cutting down the destinies of twins in that region.If that tradition  has survived into our independence,Calabar will be a notorious place to live for twins.Some other parts may borrow the evil culture too.If they kill twins you will hear them saying, at least they do that very well in Calabar!!!!

God will not lie to achieve His wills and intentions.He is too Holy to lie.I can never  follow after any god in this world because they are liar just like devil their father.The twins were thrown into the evil forest or they were used as sacrifice to these gods.That's what they feed on,i guessed ,that they then lied to the people that twins were abomination.

The gods of this world are bribe-able.Their judgement cannot be trusted because  they cannot judge in righteousness.

The gods of this world are unholy because they promote wickedness.People use them to do evil.They encourage sin,when one have put oneself under their care.
It is a doom of eternity to trust in gods of this world.

The acts of God in books of history and in particular the Bible proved that God is Holy.His Holiness in dealing with the gods of this world,with the kings of this world,with mighty men and women of this world and with the generation of mankind over the whole Earth proof that He cannot lie and that He is Holy and Righteous..

My mind knows that God is watching whatever man is doing  here on Earth and in His Holiness He may be giving  time for repentance  to come out of our evil deeds.When people keep on with their evil deeds,suddenly visitation of God will come and such visitations has ruined so many generations,let us remember Sodom and Gomorrah.Have you visited the place before?Have you heard from those who have gone to the place before?Do you know that the fire from heaven turned the place to a desert,completely inhabitable,even unto this day!!!!They  are in one of the deserts of the Arabs of our days

God as a result of His Holiness was grieved to his heart when he saw the hearts of men that it was evil continually.Men don't think the way God want when they are not in subjection to Him.They can't even do it says the Bible.
The Bible said God has called us with Holy -calling,will you take that call today?God want us to be Holy in all manner.Do you want to be  among the Holy men and Holy women of the Holy God?If yes,then be Holy.

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