I want to write on, what i think must have come up on the mind of the devil about the Lord Jesus on the plan of Salvation.The battle began in the garden of Eden when our God gave the promise of Christ smiting the devil's head.
I am also going to write on how this adversary of God planned to thwart the will of God from coming to pass concerning his plan of Redemption which God has foretold from the beginning.
Please come along with me,to see through the most wicked thoughts that ever come up in the spirit realm.
Here is the devil's thinking:
Devil:|"Now that this God has spoken about my destruction,am i going to sit down and be watching his plans unfolding like that,Oh!! i must do something."
Fellow believers,do you know that he actually did many things?
He first broke God's heart,with the thought that when humans committed great wickedness and crimes ,God will surely wiped them out of the surface of the earth.Honestly, if we are to scrutinize this satanic plot ,we are sure to come to the same conclusion that he almost achieved his evil aim.
Let me shed light more on this.
The devil knew God's impatience to tolerate sin and that He cannot stand to behold wickedness and evil thoughts.He had known that as a result of his own wickedness was he cast out from heaven and he hoped, then, that God must do the same to this human generations.He must wipe them out when he the devil finished afflicting them and manipulating their souls to be continuously evil in thoughts.We are very lucky that the head of a single family find grace in the sight of God, and that man is,Noah.
Please don't forget that he achieved his aim on Cain by making God cursed him.
The devil did not rest there,he continue to find ways to ensure that God's plans did not materialized,the plan of Salvation.
He employed another strategy, where he aimed to destroy the chosen race of God by provoking God to jealousy.He knew God as a jealous God who never wanted to share His glory with any idol.The devil therefore ensured that demi-gods,semi-gods and other gods come into view.Men began to worship them instead of God.They forsook God and eventually God was provoked,we all knew,how God almost destroy the children of Israel because of the sin of idolatry.However Moses and other servants of God interceded for this chosen generation in the course of history.
I observed that God has narrowed his plan into a particular race and generation-the Children of Israel.The devil too aware of this,set himself against them and planned to rubbished the genealogy of Christ by ensuring that,David's throne become a mess!! Christ is to reign on the throne of David according to the promise of God.the devil tried to rubbished the throne.He made David committed murder and not only that he even pushed him to the stage of concealing his sin.David repented of his sin and we have the record of this in Psalm 51 but not without God's curse on him and upon his house.
Later the plan of Salvation extended again to the whole world.That's very wonderful.
Other notable confrontations of the devil on the plan of salvation came up in the New Testament.
He first stirred the wicked,king Herod against the baby Jesus.
The devil has prepared a very wicked king against the birth of Christ however our God has prepared an obedient parent to save his life.God checkmated the devil here Himself
Secondly, his three supersonic temptation tests, he gave Christ,which could have swept away,even the feet of strong men .Glory be to God that Christ overcame.
Thirdly,the pharisees,high priests,Lawyers,sadducees gave Christ a very tough time.They made us realized how humbled Christ is and how determined he was to finished the work of Salvation.
Finally on the cross the devil failed woefully.Christ went to the cross having endured the shame and sufferings.He resurrected on the third day according to his word and was seen by his disciples.They became His witness but the devil employed stiff opposition against them and against the Gospel.However the Lord gave the common charge to take the good tidings of God's Salvation to people all over the world.
The devil cannot do the same.He cannot die and resurrect.He knew once he surrender himself to death,that is his end.He will never rise again.He has no power to laid down his life and take it up again like Christ.In this plan of Salvation,we have a challenge against the devil,the Lord brought this challenge up after his resurrection because Christ said all authorities has been given to him.He has the key to the hell and death.If the devil should of dying,he will be dead for eternity!!!!!
That message,the Gospel, has come to Africa, the most darkest of the world's continents and is spreading widely.to the glory of God.
Presently,the devil is at work again,he has gone back to his thought-board and has changed from the method of direct persecution to a life of comfort for believers,nowadays.
We all knew how the Church was persecuted in the days of Church history!!!Now the devil has adopted the method of sit back and live comfortably against the Christians.
Christians,believers,the stage we are now is the end point of God's work of Salvation where every man must singly and fearfully work his or her Salvation through
Please beware and work your Salvation with fear and tremblings.The devil must fail in our lives as we save others.
This blog is specially created,designed and purposely focusing on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, BRETHREN THE LORD COMES- 1 Cor 16:22
The two Angels beckoned unto the Disciples while looking up on the mountain where Jesus ascended before their eyes. "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
Jesus Ascension

He is coming Again.Be prepared.
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