Have ever wonder who Jesus is among the brethren?What kind of name do you ever think befits your master in economy perspective?
Have you ever ponder on Jesus stands on the world's salvation ?Do you just see him as the Chairman in every christian occasion?How do you see Jesus in business field today?Will he looks for those special blessings?What manner of profits will Jesus imagine to rake in after transaction of business?Will he be magicious?
I can see why many are loosing their anointing.They are busy labeling Jesus merely as the profitable master but have been reckless in their pursuits of gains.Gains and gains reflects in our everyday business ventures.Even in dating.In this world,no one want to be a looser,but not running away from the greatest coming loss.In the area of courtship,people restricted themselves in giving until their relationship have deepened and marriage bound.Many have advised me to do so.Church and Relationships should not be seen as business of ourselves but God's.
Let me walk through the church.Please permit me to scan through your church too, perhaps that assembly where you worship or presides over.How is Jesus TAKEN or RECOGNIZED there? To some there, Jesus is ever miraculous, to some, he is the healer.They sees him as the healing Jesus.Some of other members believe him and anchor their faith on him as a great deliverer.Any single threat or problem they are coming, racing up to Christ,with their SAVE OUR SOULS MESSAGES.Some believe, He is ever providence and they believed that through their pastors' messages they could receive a million dollars contract.When this Jesus speaks through their pastors on business and money issues they are ever present and attentive.That's how they see their Jesus,the business Jesus.
I see Jesus as the Profitable one of God.He has worked with God in the foundation of heaven and earth in the beginning.He was there as the wisdom of God.Check Proverbs 8.He has seen the fallen of man in the garden of Eden.He saw how the enemy of God tried to ruin the works God started from the foundation.He believed it will profit no one should God eventually destroy everything,i mean all human beings from the time of Adam to the last generation that shall experience the great tribulations.This is not going to please God.It is not going to be profitable to God.He was aware on how the grievous sins of men damned God's heart in the beginning of mankind generations.He knew God still love all his works of creation,in particular we the human beings.The profitable one rose to the challenge.He came to the rescue.He came to redeem the situation.God allow his Son to do this profitable work.The works of Salvation.
I hope you get my points today.Many of us don't see Jesus again as the saviour after we got saved,the same with many churches.We give five minutes to the issues of salvation and do the real business for the next two hours.We heal,we deliver,we sing,we dance,we preach hot messages,with new words captions signaling the freshness of the messages.We prove too advance but have lost the content of salvation in our churching!!!
Christ here,will still carry on the totality of salvation in bulk.We seems to have disenfranchised salvation to our demerits.That's why we see many Christians colluding with their colleagues to embezzle their firms' money.We do hear of fornicating brothers and sisters preaching and singing on our pulpilts!! There are a lot of riddles nowadays in the live of believers.We have joined the world,it is a pity.The enemy has put those riddles there, thereby authoring confusions.
To make Christ's work of redemption possible in the lives of others,we the believers must first sanitize ourselves.Please do environmental sanitation on a daily basis on your spiritual living.This will create opportunity to make amendments in every possible areas,the devil has been cheating on you.
Families too have their parts to take.Those who are in relationship should ensure that Jesus profits in their relationship.You shall have the reward in your marriage.Don't make Jesus the looser.Invite him into your relationship,if truly,you have genuine interest in that relationship.Now you have to start committing your endeavors into the hands of God.Desire to make a profitable Jesus from all your earthly doings for it is only by his profits in your life that you shall receive rewards from Him in His kingdom.You are blessed in Jesus name.Give your life to Jesus today.
Don't break down, break down the devil, by making Jesus profitable in everything you do.Shalom
This blog is specially created,designed and purposely focusing on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, BRETHREN THE LORD COMES- 1 Cor 16:22
The two Angels beckoned unto the Disciples while looking up on the mountain where Jesus ascended before their eyes. "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
Jesus Ascension

He is coming Again.Be prepared.
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