Midnight is when we can't do as we like,we don't have the power and authority to have our wishes done except through prayers and faith command.In the wee of the night, the giants of the day do put their tired bodies at rest.Midnight is a scary moment that flashes lives of men away as if it is actually a dust.We are to remember that,the body is actually the dust not the life itself.If you don't understand my grammar please i will recommend Professor Wole Soyinka's poem "Night" for you as a case study.What i am posting here, is no case it is just a close up!!!!
Hmmm.......,i want to be a night writer but i have observed that it is not always the best to write in the midnight.You, at that moment, must overpower the monster of sleep if you are to write well.Sleep is a monster you have to deliver yourself from,if you really want to reach a milestone in writing at night.
Come to think of this,many things do happen in the night.When i look it this way,i do observe that Night sometimes is not useful to man.
This is because night has aided death in killing men than in day.I once made research on how people died, a personal one, i found out that most people died always in the night.
There are several books which have been written on Night.There are great philosophies about Night,however if there is going to be a basic reason why God created the night,it is simply for our Rest.Night is a period of rest.Midnight is a period of rest.Most of the creatures God made rest in the night.This is one of the purpose of God for the Midnight.
Spiritually,midnight is another working time for active human beings.The spiritual realm is tensely charged in the midnight,so if you want to be active you can't afford to sleep and over sleep in the midnight.Satanic groups are active in the midnight,the witches operate in the midnight.Those who are in occults do go to their covert meetings in the midnight and the celestial bodies too were busy in the midnight.The Angels of God works too, on our behalf in the midnight.Many Christian put Angels on guard in their homes at night,despite the number of guards in their homes.
Many of us, we are too, too, busy, that, there is no chance to get to us easily from the spirit realm and because of this, spiritual realm is mostly silent during the day.However, in the midnight the spirit realm is a very busy place.Devils operate to kill,steal and destroy in the night.Many people have already been killed in the night before they died in the day.God also speak into the mind of men in the vision of the night.We can't afford to loose God's visitation daily, because without this, we are going to be at the mercy of the power of darkness.The midnight is more important than the day in the spiritual realm.
The midnight is a showcase of power.Midnight is the moment of revelation.There is no discretion in Midnight issues.Discretion don't work there.I want to give an example here and i made my reference from book of Genesis. King Abimelech tried to reason with God in the dream but was it his reasoning that save him from death, no, it was God's restriction.God had restricted him from touching Abraham's wife.I perceived if he had touched Abraham's wife, he would have died.That's how many great people died suddenly.
When God visited Abimelech should he has found fault with Abimelech despite the fact He (God) has withdrew him from sleeping with Abraham's wife,Abimelech would have died that night.That is,should Abimelech had slept with Abraham's wife despite God's restriction,he would died when God appeared to him in the dream that night. For God said unto him"Abimelech you are dead".Any single mistake or wickedness found on Abimelech that moment on that issue will summarily killed him.God will surely killed him that midnight.
Night kept men from stress.
This is another the key of night.God knew he has given man a great work to do during the day.Men are to be busy during the day.That's the way God want it.In revelation where the bible revealed that there shall be no more night imply no more work.There shall be no more stress.
Night kept men from danger.
Midnight is a moment to relieve yourself from the days' evil.God perfectly designed it that way.However the night is full of its own danger.To many people night is a terror.Many people always want night to come while many people always want night to go.However the principal is the the night has saved many people's lives from danger of attack,by taking refuge in the custody of their homes.
Midnight is not for your sleeping only.There are many other things you could do in the midnight.Prayer is one,read your bible,sing,meditate and cultivate the habit of not sleeping too much.Many people are out there against you in the night,satanically working against your peace and progress.The enemy of your soul never want you to have joy,he wanted you persecuted, to the extent that you denied or loose your faith but you as a child of God you are busy sleeping.Don't be a sleeping giant,wake up and get talking with your God.
To overcome the power of the night you must keep praying in the midnight and if you haven't been doing that ,you have to keep doing it now.The enemy prowls about seeking whom to devour.Be steadfast and the Lord shall keep you through the terror of the nights.
Jesus said "the night is coming when no one shall be able to work".Men shall desire to work but they shall not be able to.It is my prayer that while you are in the days of your lives,you keep nearer to the Lord than never and your miracles and victory over the power of the night shall be limitless.Shalom
This blog is specially created,designed and purposely focusing on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, BRETHREN THE LORD COMES- 1 Cor 16:22
The two Angels beckoned unto the Disciples while looking up on the mountain where Jesus ascended before their eyes. "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
This is just a tip of the iceberg. I hope what The Apostle Peter and Paul said of his imminent return gives another insights of his earthly returns.Brethren Christ comes.Keep looking up for the trumpet is at hand.Be at alert.
Jesus Ascension

He is coming Again.Be prepared.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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